Love in Action
Making a Difference

If we cut out of the Gospel every passage where Jesus helps the poor or asks us to assist them, there would be a huge hole in the book of Gospels. In the same way, service to people in need is central to the work of our parish.

We think of the poor as anyone who has lost something – maybe their independence or their home, their health or their job or maybe their self-esteem.

We offer a number of services that include:

  • Visiting the Housebound with Communion
  • The HoT Community Pantry to help people struggling, by offering affordable food. This is open Monday to Saturday from 10 till 3.00.
  • Community Café (open Mon to Friday from 8 till 3.00 pm)
  • Services in our community centre that include bereavement services, dementia café, ‘clubs’ for people who are isolated or lonely, walking groups, youth clubs, support for people with addictions.
  • Work with homeless people in partnership with the Council.

Most of this work is channelled through our charity Heart of Tamworth.

If you want to see more then visit: